Blood Glucose Values of Cats with Lantus® or Levemir®
Here are the blood glucose spreadsheets of the cats using the Tight Regulation Protocol for Lantus or Levemir. Look in the signatures of forum members. The spreadsheets are easy to read, even if you don't speak German. "IE" is international units (IU) of insulin in German.
• Spreadsheets in German Diabetes-Katzen Forum
Recommended Lantus and Levemir Forums
Cat owners helping other cat owners achieve euglycemia and, when possible, remission.
• Diabetes-Katzen Homepage and Forum (in German)
• Diabeteskatten Forum (in Dutch)
• Feline Diabetes Message Board (in English)
Recommended Vet
Telephone consultations can also be arranged. Communication in English.
• Aesops Veterinary Care, Dr Lea Stogdale, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM
Recommended Radioactive Iodine Treatment Center for Cats
Communication in English or Dutch.
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